Moving the world towards 100% renewable energy

For over half a century the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) has gathered the world's pre-eminent solar energy researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders at its biennial Solar World Congresses (SWCs) to share technology developments, new research breakthroughs, case studies and best practices in solar and renewable energy development. This year we are excited to bring SWC 2023 to the vibrant capital of India, New Delhi, 30 October - 4 November 2023. India has among the world's most ambitious solar energy targets (300 GW by 2030), up from the 100 GW target that was set for 2022. ISES is proud to be bringing its Congress back to India for the first time since 1978, when solar was still in its infancy, and now during this exciting time of rapid solar energy development in the world's second most populous country.
The solar targets, set by India's National Solar Mission, come with many challenges and opportunities. The Congress will bring to the forefront key decision makers and researchers who are working to make these targets a reality. The Congress will also engage the international solar energy community to offer shared experiences of solar energy development throughout the world. India is on center stage for renewable energy development in 2023, as it has taken the leadership role in the intergovernmental forum known as the G-20, as well as the Clean Energy Ministerial and the IRENA General Assembly. The International Solar Alliance (ISA), an intergovernmental organization striving to increase deployment of solar energy technologies and solutions in its Member Countries, is headquartered in India. A number of renowned technology universities and research institutions in India are undertaking cutting edge solar energy research. Solar energy associations such as the National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI) and Solar Thermal Federation of India (STFI) are actively assisting and facilitating a robust solar energy industry in the country.
By attending SWC 2023 you will have the opportunity to learn about the latest solar energy R&D developments and applications for both solar thermal and solar electric technologies, grid flexibility and enhancements under an increasingly distributed energy system, storage technologies, off-grid programs, solar design for buildings and urban regions, solar fuel development, educational programs, and many other topics covered under the 13 Congress Themes. There will be many ways in which you can share your knowledge with professional colleagues. The Call for Participation provides detailed information on how to submit an abstract or proposal to present your own work either through an oral or a poster presentation, and later to publish your work in the Congress Proceedings and the ISES Journal Solar Energy Advances. The Call also offers opportunities for organizing workshops and other side events.
At the Congress, you will have numerous opportunities to network with colleagues and meet new friends at our social events and technical tours. In the plenary and keynote sessions you will be hearing from renowned speakers from around the world talking about current developments in technologies, policies, financing, and societal issues. There will also be special topical workshops oriented especially to students and young professionals designed to help you with your career development.
India, together with many other countries, is stepping up to meet the challenges created by the consequences of human-caused global warming. More and more we are learning about countries as well as companies and industry, including utilities, that are targeting an energy system that will be supplied by 100% renewables as the solution to the climate challenge. By attending SWC 2023 in New Delhi you will learn more about how these initiatives are being implemented and the technology R&D that is still needed to accelerate achieving a goal of 100% renewable energy. You will be provided with new tools and expanded horizons for implementing these solutions in your home communities.
I look forward to welcoming you to ISES SWC 2023 (30 October - 4 November) in New Delhi.
-- A Welcome message by Dr. Dave Renné, Chair of the SWC 2023 International Organizing Committee