Concentrating solar thermal technologies initiatives towards a net-zero emissions in 2050
In parallel to the comercial deployment of concentrating solar thermal (CST) technologies for power generation, other innovative solutions focused on the use of CST in the decarbonisation of industrial processes (solar heat) and transport sector (synthetic fuels). This keynote summarises recent developments on comercial status on CST for clean energy production and highlights the main research areas and initiatives for electricity, solar heat and solar fuels production.
This keynote will be moderated by Prof. Pradip Dutta.
Dr. José González-Aguilar

Dr. José González-Aguilar is senior researcher and head of the R&D unit of High Temperature Processes at IMDEA Energy Institute (Spain), a R&D not-for-profit foundation that focuses its research on high-temperature solar concentration systems and technologies, the sustainable production of fuels, and the development of electrochemical energy storage systems coupled to renewable energy amongst other topics. He holds a PhD in Physics (Cantabria University, Spain, 1999) and a Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (University Paul Sabatier, France, 2007). His current research interests are in the area of concentrating solar energy systems and technologies and thermal sciences, which is carried out in the framework of national and international research projects (From 2015 to 2019, he has participated in 7 EU-funded, 5 national and 3 regional projects as well as 8 contracts with companies). Author or co-author of 93 papers in peer review journals, 4 chapters in books on renewable energy, more than 140 communications in national and international conferences and 7 international and national patents. In addition to his research activity, he has had an intensive activity promoting scientific dissemination in the field of solar energy, which intends to foster as member of the ISES Board. Since 2015, Dr. González is serving as associated Editor of Solar Energy Journal of Elsevier.