Global Outlook of PV Technologies for the Second Half of the Decade
The keynote will talk about the global outlook for PV technology at the juncture of moving from the 2nd-gen C-Si PV technology (PERC and variations) to 3rd-gen C-Si PV technologies that offers higher efficiencies at low costs, and later to 4th-gen with tandem cells that even offers to go beyond 30% of efficiency at reasonable costs. It will further address the issues of low-cost foil-type PV with lower efficiencies but even lower costs and flexibility. Finally it will discuss the technology opportunities in special PV (e.g. BIPV, APV, and FPV).
Prof. Eicke Weber

Prof. Eicke Weber is Chair of the European Solar Manufacturing Council ESMC and Chair of the Scientific Committee for SWC 2021. Previously he was CEO of the Berkeley Alliance for Research in Singapore, BEARS. Till the end of 2016, he was Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE and Professor for Physics / Solar Energy at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany. From 2015 - 2019 he served at the ISES Board as ISES Vice-President. In 2015-17 he served as President of the Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centers EUREC. He served as founding president of the German Energy Storage Association BVES (2012-16) and is a member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech).